
Dark messiah of might and magic xana and leanna
Dark messiah of might and magic xana and leanna

Generally it’s pretty easy to guess what is going to happen, due to too many obvious clues being hinted out prior to a major part of the plot unfolding. Some may find the game play, as good as it is, gets repetitive after 8 hours of slicing and dicing enemies in relatively similar fashion, and the whole story could have been laid out a bit more intricately. However, I feel it just stops short of becoming a truly great game. Overall, Dark Messiah is a compelling and satisfying journey that will keep you well occupied. These generally can’t be harmed by normal means, and require a bit of thought, and use of the surrounding environment and physics to overcome. There are also several boss type characters, such as giant Cyclops, and dragon type creatures called Po-Kai. Mage’s have the usual array of spells and powers, and Zombies while typically dumb have the ability to poison you which rapidly depletes your life to almost nothing. These can be tricky to dispatch, especially when coming at you in a group. There are mutant dog type animals, which are very quick and athletic and will hunt you down in packs. When you first come up against an Orc you really feel how strong these beasts are, taking quite a beating even on their own, although as you progress up the skill levels they become easier to deal with. Ranging from different types of soldiers/guards, to goblins, who on their own aren’t particularly powerful, but when there are a few after you, you certainly feel it. One thing that did surprise me was the variety of opponents you will meet along your journey. Staffs, while useful for keeping larger enemies at a distance lack a sense of weight, or killer blow, while in general daggers lack the bite you would expect. There are a couple of disappointments however. Swords have the appropriate power, bows are fantastically accurate, especially once you have higher marksmanship skills and there are some nice twists with shields – such as the lightening shield that shocks an opponent whenever he touches it. While on the subject of weapons, it’s appropriate to note that the majority feel fantastic, and really develop that sense of being in the thick of it. Some items can only be used by certain character classes, or players with a certain skill. The range of objects you can collect is wide enough, you can pickup health, and Manna potions as well as antidotes in case you find yourself poisoned (which happens surprisingly often), and will find various different swords/shields/bows of different capabilities as well as scrolls (one off spells) for the magically less capable. While it is relatively generous in size, you can only keep a limited amount within your inventory, so you will have to make some choices. Of course one of the other things moved over from the RPG world is your inventory, and a whole host of items and weapons to occupy it. It also provides some replay ability, in the sense that there is not enough skill points in a single play through to become good at or have access to everything. Warriors become powerhouses competent with blade and bow, being able to make use of the more advanced physical weaponry (swords/shields etc) while stealth characters (probably the most disappointing ‘class’) can sneak around quietly behind an enemy, and plunge their daggers right into their heart! While classes aren’t as specific or well developed as in many true RPG’s, they do add another dimension to the game, and definite balance of advantages vs disadvantages depending on how you choose to play.

Dark messiah of might and magic xana and leanna